
Liss C. Werner  
Assist. Prof. TU Berlin  | Tactile Architecture |
Dr. Michael Hohl 
Professor for Design Theory Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Dessau |
Graziele Lautenschläger

Architecture + Media Artist Sao Paolo |
Dietmar Köring  
Director Arphenotype Cologne |
Dr. Delfina Fantini van Ditmar
Alumni RCA London
Gwendolyn Kulick 
Adj. Professor German University Cairo Berlin 



Cybernetics Serendipity Reimagined 2018

Gepostet von Cybernetics Lab Berlin am Dienstag, 17. April 2018

AISB Convention, Liverpool 2018

“Cybernetics offers a scientific approach to the cussedness of organisms, suggests how their behaviours can be catalysed and the mystique and rule of thumb banished.” Gordon Pask

Cybernetics Lab

Fairytale Meadow 11
16835 Germany